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Our favorites to slip under the tree Do you hear it, the magic of Christmas ? Wrapped up in its winter coat, it arrives in great strides, ready to operate under our trees. To welcome it as it should...
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Every sweet hour has its seasonal wine 🍂 Here we are, in the time of autumn. The days sleep before our eyes, the leaves dance in the breeze. Curled up in a blanket, simmering a comforting dish or the time...
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Seasonal orange, iconic vintage With its light outfit, it embodies the sun. A memory of a summer with a beating heart, orange wine is now back, dressed in its most beautiful autumn colors. In its still slightly salty luggage, Orange...
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Mysteries and glasses of wine 🎃🍷 There are stories that we like to tell ourselves. Those that flirt between suspense and goosebumps, this duo that is sure to seduce on Halloween night. Curled up by the fire or hidden in...
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A swirling pink Pet' Nat by Nature It's a whirlwind of delicacy. Papilou , our Pet' Nat rosé, contains in its case a real little freshness with swirling pink bubbles. To see it spread its wings, just open the bottle......
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