
Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a French photographer, reporter, director and environmentalist.
His book "The Earth from Above" (1994), from which a documentary was made in 2004, is a worldwide bestseller.
Gérard Bertrand: Hello everyone and welcome to this sixth live Wine Food & Music today at Château L'Hospitalet, today is biodiversity day and we have a guest of honor our friend Yann Arthus Bertrand, how are you Yann?
Yann Arthus Bertrand: Hello everyone, thank you for the invitation, I am delighted to speak at the top of my tree.
Gérard Bertrand: So yes, I saw that you were in a cabin, so you are at home at an altitude of 15 meters?
Yann Arthus Bertrand: It's the only place in my house where 4G works. I have a really bad internet connection, so I'm happy to be here.
Gérard Bertrand: I'm going to introduce you to our friends, Chef Laurent Chabert. What did you do for us today, Chef?
Chef Laurent Chabert : I prepared the first tomatoes from the garden with a few flowers, then we're going to make a vegetarian burger with eggplant and tomatoes with a little salad, radishes and beetroot and I made an onion and pink curry sauce and another eggplant with black curry. And then, for dessert, a small pot of chocolate cream, avocado and a crumble.
Gérard Bertrand: So, it's a 100% vegetarian menu for you Yann because I know you've become a vegetarian.
Yann Arthus Bertrand: You're not a vegetarian Gérard?
Gérard Bertrand: I eat meat once a week, with everything I do I need a little, I have reduced and I eat once a week, my wife has been vegetarian for a long time so at home it's all vegetables. I see you have some bread in front of you, do you make bread too?
Yann Arthus Bertrand: This is the bread I made this morning and I was quite surprised to see how easy it is to make bread, it's a real incredible pleasure, moreover I must say that during my confinement I learned to cook that I cooked every day for my grandchildren as my children were at school they didn't have time to cook, so I with the application on the internet, I cooked I loved doing that.
Gérard Bertrand: So today we have changed the pace of the show a little, dear friends, since we have brought the musicians into the kitchen and so we have the pleasure of welcoming our opinion Dominique Rieux, who is also the man who has programmed the jazz festival for 17 years and Jean-Michel Cabrol the king of the sax, so hello gentlemen how are you?
Dominique Rieux & Jean-Michel Cabrol : It’s going very well!
Gérard Bertrand: Can you welcome us with some music?
Dominique Rieux & Jean-Michel Cabrol : With Pleasure!
Gérard Bertrand: It will inspire the Chef!
Live Music
Gerard Bertrand: Well done!
Yann Arthus Bertrand: Thank you very much!
Gérard Bertrand: We never stop trying to innovate as the Chef is officially still closed since he opens the restaurant only on June 2nd, I recommend you come to have a good time. So Dominique is from Carcassonne and Jean-Michel is from Gruissan, in fact they tour all over the world where they tour with many famous artists they have done the tour of Michel Leeb etc. And I said to the Chef, you have to cook with music. So Yann, it symbolizes for you this special day of biodiversity since you are very committed I saw that you intervened saying that it was really an emergency, do you have a special message today?
Yann Arthus Bertrand: You know, I have the impression that we have been repeating the same things for so many years, so many years, you know, the WWF estimates that we have lost 60% of living things in 40 years, imagine that, it's unimaginable, so that's not to mention Covid, we can talk about biodiversity because if it really happened with the pangolin, the Chinese are opening up a huge breach of responsibility. I'm going to be very harsh and violent and rude but the Chinese have been pissing me off for thirty years, rhino horn, shark fins, elephant ivory even though they signed international treaties they don't respect them in Chinese markets you have a lot of animals that are on the IUCN red list so there you go I think that in Africa it's difficult to prevent poaching because there are these two monitored by corruption but in China we could have lost something much more radical right to ban they are going to do it now but I'm quite angry.
Gérard Bertrand: They have problems with swine fever, you know that they have lost 30 or 40% of their livestock which is the basis of their food. Don't you think that we have a global problem? I believe that if we don't reduce the consumption of animal proteins by 30% we won't get there because the population was 8 billion inhabitants, we even have problems.
Yann Arthus Bertrand: You know first of all, since I was born, we have multiplied the world population by 4, it's crazy, when I was there were 2 billion and now we are close to 8 billion. Meat consumption has multiplied by eight and fish consumption by eight and that's industrial farming, it's energy that has changed the world and we have to be very careful about that. It is estimated that, today gases, the figures are debatable according to Llifehouse, the American NGOs but very serious they estimate that gases industrial farming